Wat is integraal gezondheidsbeleid?
Gezondheid wordt beïnvloed door veel verschillende factoren. Genetische factoren, zorg en leefstijl zijn van invloed maar ook de fysieke en sociale omgeving speelt een belangrijke rol. Om de gezondheid van de bevolking in wijken en gemeenten te bevorderen, wordt gewerkt aan gezondheidsbeleid dat uitgaat van een integrale benadering. Integraal gezondheidsbeleid (IGB) houdt in dat verschillende partijen samenwerken met aandacht voor alle leefgebieden.
Wat is ons doel?
Wij willen de publieke gezondheidszorg rondom gezondheidsbevordering, onderzoek, beleid en jeugdgezondheidszorg in Gelderland Midden en Zuid versterken. Onze onderzoeken leveren nieuwe kennis en inzichten op die relevant zijn voor de praktijk van GGD, gemeenten en hun samenwerkingspartners.
Scholing en publicaties
Scholing en kennisdeling
Om de kwaliteit van integraal gezondheidsbeleid in onze regio verder te verbeteren, bieden we scholing aan in het doen van onderzoek en het informeren over resultaten van AMPHI-onderzoek. Dit doen we door het organiseren van Kenniscafé’s.
lees meerWetenschappelijke publicaties
- Bogt, M. J. T., Bevelander, K. E., Tholen, L., Molleman, G. R., van den Muijsenbergh, M., & Fransen, G. A. Leverage point themes within Dutch municipalities’ healthy weight approaches: A qualitative study from a systems perspective. Plos one, 18(6), e0287050
- Franken, S. C., Smit, C. R., de Leeuw, R. N., van Woudenberg, T. J., Burk, W. J., Bevelander, K. E., & Buijzen, M. Understanding the behavioral determinants of adolescents’ water consumption: A cross-country comparative study. Dialogues in Health, 100101
- van Calis, J. F., Bevelander, K. E., van der Cruijsen, A. W., Leusink, G. L., & Naaldenberg, J. Toward Inclusive Approaches in the Design, Development, and Implementation of eHealth in the Intellectual Disability Sector: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e45819
- Ruiter, E.L., et al., The degree of consistency of applying parental dietary and sedentary behavior rules as indicators for overweight in children: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 2022. 22 (1): p. 1-14.
- Kristine Mourits, Ilse Knoops, Koos van der Velden, Gerard Molleman. The value of incorporating inhabitants’ perspectives on health into municipal spatial planning processes: an explorative study. Cities & Health
- Gerdine Fransen, Moniek Pieters, Maud Ter Bogt, Geraldine Mulder, Kristine Mourits, Harrie Jonkman, Gerard Molleman & Clemens Hosman. De nieuwe volksgezondheidsexpert als gamechanger in een stevige preventie-infrastructuur . TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen volume 100, pages129–133 (2022) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12508-022-00363-w
- Bartels, R., Beckers, D., Bevelander, K., Bijleveld, E., Davidson, E. B., Boleij, A. & Füllbrunn, S. Protocol of the Healthy Brain Study: An accessible resource for understanding the human brain and how it dynamically and individually operates in its bio-social context. PlosOne, 2022 http://researchonline. ljmu. ac. uk/id/eprint/16648.
- Vlot‐van Anrooij, K., Frankena, T. K., van der Cruijsen, A., Jansen, H., Naaldenberg, J., & Bevelander, K. E. Shared decision making in inclusive research: Reflections from an inclusive research team. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2022.
- Smit, C. R., Bevelander, K. E., De Leeuw, R. N., & Buijzen, M. Motivating Social Influencers to Engage in Health Behavior Interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Egorova, K., van den Driesche, K., Bevelander, K.E. Mental models in citizen science. Proceedings of Science (PoS).
- Emilie L M Ruiter, Gerard R M Molleman, Marloes Kleinjan, Jannis T Kraiss, Peter M Ten Klooster, Koos van der Velden, Rutger C M E Engels, Gerdine A J Fransen. The effectiveness of a web-based Dutch parenting program to prevent overweight in children 9-13 years of age: Results of a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial. PLoS One, 2022 Oct 21;17(10):e0276168.
- Michelle I.J. Snijder; Claudine Dietz; Mieke van Andel; Emilie L.M. Ruiter; Jan K. Buitelaar; Iris J. Oosterling. Social COmmunication Program supported by E-health (SCOPE) for infants and toddlers at risk of autism spectrum disorder: study design of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry.
Mourits, K., van der Velden, K. & Molleman, G. The perceptions and priorities of professionals in health and social welfare and city planning for creating a healthy living environment: a concept mapping study. BMC Public Health 21, 1085 (2021).
Wink, G.; Fransen, G.; Huisman, M.; Boersma, S.; van Disseldorp, L.; van der Velden, K.; Wagemakers, A.; van den Muijsenbergh, M. ‘Improving Health through Reducing Stress’: Parents’ Priorities in the Participatory Development of a Multilevel Family Health Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in The Netherlands. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021 , 18, 8145.
Sietske M. Grol, Gerard R. M. Molleman, Michel Wensing, Anne Kuijpers, Joni K. Scholte, Maria T. C. van den Muijsenbergh, Nynke D. Scherpbier, Henk J. Schers. Professional Care Networks of Frail Older People: An Explorative Survey Study from the Patient Perspective https://www.ijic.org/articles/10.5334/ijic.4721/
Emilie L. M. Ruiter, Gerard R. M. Molleman, Gerdine A. J. Fransen, Marlijn Wagenaar, Koos van der Velden, Rutger C. M. E. Engels. A set of pedagogical recommendations for improving the integrated approach to childhood overweight and obesity: A Delphi study https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231245
Emilie L. M. Ruiter, Jenneke Saat, Gerard R. M. Molleman, Gerdine A. J. Fransen, Koos van der Velden, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Willem J. J. Assendelft. Parents' underestimation of their child's weight status. Moderating factors and change over time: A cross-sectional study. PLOS One https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0227761
Eva Smit, Karlijn E. F. Leenaars, Annemarie Wagemakers, Koos Van der Velden, Gerard R. M. Molleman. Perceptions of Care Sport Connectors’ Tasks for Strengthening the Connection Between Primary Care, Sports and Physical Activity: A Delphi Study. https://www.ijic.org/articles/10.5334/ijic.4789/
Bevelander, K., Burk, W., Smit, C., van Woudenberg, T., Buijs, L., & Buijzen, M. Exploring the directionality in the relationship between descriptive and injunctive parental and peer norms and snacking behavior in a three-year-cross-lagged study. https://ijbnpa.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12966-020-00977-w
Van Woudenberg, T. J., Bevelander, K. E., Burk, W. J., Smit, C. R., Buijs, L., & Buijzen, M. Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02913/full?report=reader
Raaijmakers, F., Klein Velderman, M. Specialistische ondersteuning in de basiszorg voor jeugd TSG https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-020-00270-y
- Emilie L. M. Ruiter, Gerdine A. J. Fransen, Gerard R. M. Molleman, Michelle J. H. M. Hoeijmakers, Koos van der Velden & Rutger C. M. E. Engels. Everyday life situations in which mothers experience difficulty stimulating healthy energy balance–related behavior in their school-age children: a focus group study. BMC Public Health https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-6826-x
- Sietske Grol, Gerard Molleman, Henk Schers. Mirror meetings with frail older people and multidisciplinary primary care teams: Process and impact analysis. Health Expectations https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12905
Ruiter EL, Fransen GA, Molleman GR, van der Velden K, Engels RC. The effectiveness of a web-based Dutch parenting program to prevent overweight in children 9-13 years of age: study protocol for a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2015;15:148.
Zelle SG, Baltussen R, Otten JD, Heijnsdijk EA, van Schoor G, Broeders MJ. Predicting the stage shift as a result of breast cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries: a proof of concept. J Med Screen. 2015 Mar;22(1):8-19.
Smit E, Leenaars KEF, Wagemakers MAE, Molleman GRM, Koelen MA, van der Velden, J. Evaluation of the role of Care Sport Connectors in connecting primary care, sport, and physical activity, and residents’ participation in the Netherlands: study protocol for a longitudinal multiple case study design. BMC Public Health. 2015;15(1):510.
Leenaars KEF, Smit E, Wagemakers A, Molleman GRM, Koelen MA. Facilitators and barriers in the collaboration between the primary care and the sport sector in order to promote physical activity: A systematic literature review. Preventive Medicine. 2015;81:460
Molleman, Gerard & Hosman, Clemens (2015). Echte effectiviteit vergt een bredere visie op werkzame elementen TSG,Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen 2015, 93, 6, p.202-203.
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